Saturday, June 26, 2010

Best face wash for blackheads, pores, and oily skin?

it doesn't have to be for pimples, zits, blemishes, etc because big pores/ blackheads/oily skin are the only issues i have.

also a price would be good but not necessary. thanks :]Best face wash for blackheads, pores, and oily skin?
There's a brand called ';Biore'; and I don't remember their prices so you should go to their website ';'; and see.

I have it for my 2 pimples and it works great. It helps dry out your skin, get blackheads out, and make pores smaller.Best face wash for blackheads, pores, and oily skin?
I have recently discovered Clinique's 3 step program for oily skin. I have a problem with blackheads as well on my nose and chin. Within a week, it took care of them almost completely. I got the ';trial size'; for $39.50, but using it twice a day, it's going to last a couple of months. I believe the full size is $54.50. It is awesome. No more blackheads and an evened out skin tone!!!!
Your best bet, I think, is a really clean facecloth and a mild organic soap, preferably a vegetable soap because animal fats will just make your skin react. People often make the mistake of thinking you have to use something that dries the skin out, but that will just force it to make more oil. What you want to do is re-balance it. Mild, gentle and clean are your keywords!

Soap with oat bran will be gentle to your skin but help to exfoliate and cleanse.

Wet your face and work soap into a lather with warm water, then work it gently over your face with clean fingertips. Wet the facecloth in warm water and go over your face in gentle circular motions, paying extra attention to any problem areas like the sides of the nose or the chin. Then rinse the facecloth well and use it to gently take off any soap that's still on your skin. Splash your face with cold water, pat it dry very gently with a clean towel or paper towel.

You might find that steaming your face a couple of times a week will help. It's really simple - get a big bowl of steaming hot water, put a towel over your head to make a sort of tent and trap the steam, and sit with your head lening slightly forward, not too close to the steam, for about ten minutes while you listen to music or relax. It really helps to loosen any ground in dirt in your pores. Afterwards, cleanse gently as above and put on your favourite moisturiser.

I used to have very oily skin. The good side is that it doesn't wrinkle so easily as drier skin. When you hit your 40s, provided you've treated it well and not let the sun damage it, you'll have less wrinkles!
Personally I use Noxzema. Noxzema deep cleans pores getting rid of black heads and pimples. It also won't give your oily skin and it won't dry it out either.

You can use either the face pads or the cleanser. Use it at night right before you go to bed.

Also remember to drink lots of water and wash your sheets every weekend. Those two things also help in preventing facial blemishes.
Well try ice that works and it cheap! it makes the pores smaller. see a dermo. they will give you what you need. some of these treat many things and dont work sufficiently so try a dermo and the will give u meds that work. Im on tretnoin 0.05% and i love it! im also on a pill
you know what... before I suffer the same issues like you have.... I used VCO and it really helped... don't worry it doesn't make your face oilier.... I'm just not sure if it works on all types of skin...
I use Biore warming anti-blackhead cream cleanser. i love it. we didnt have in Australia until recently, so everytime i went to the US i had to stock up on this product. it really is quite cheap . it's AU$11 but i'm sure it was under US$10 over in the US.also you really need to get blackheads squeezed out. there are some gadgets you can buy that helps you do that but it's best to get it done properly by a beauty therapist. ones you've got them nicely cleaned, it's a matter of maintance :) make sure you're consistent with the facial cleaning and NEVER leave make up on overnight.. (ok sometimes we do i guess, well try not to :) )also re-consider the moisturiser you're using. my skin totally went downhill at one point, didnt know what was going on, soon i realised that it was the ';expensive'; moisturiser i was using. it was far too oily for my skin. stoped using it and things went back to normal. i've been using Olay for the last hmmm about 8 years now i dont even bother trying other products, it's just perfect for my skin. i've only ';upgraded ';it :) to Oley total effects. (i'm 29. so it was probably about time) i just love it.

good luck

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